The parking lot and the sidewalks are normally cleared and treated after 2" of snow have fallen.
As an extra safety and courtesy for you and your neighbors, please keep the sidewalk in front of your house clear and treated when it snows. This is in compliance with Montgomery County snow removal regulations.
Parking lot/street: Our contract pays for snow plowing down the center of the parking area when the snow is more than 2" (less than 6") deep. Our contract is for a snow plow only. Some snow might be left in front of parked cars (just as it is on a public street). NOTE: Do not shovel extra snow into the parking lot. The plow cannot push snow that is more then 6" deep.
Sidewalks: Your dues pays for sidewalk clearing when the snow is more than 2" deep.
**If it's a smaller amount of snow or ice forms later on, we all need to pitch in. Remember to de-ice your front steps AND your front sidewalks during and after a storm.
Per county law, residents are required to clear sidewalks in 24 hours. This helps pedestrians, postal workers, etc. walk safely.
Extra snow removal: After an extra deep snow, a bobcat will sometimes be brought in to help remove snow from the unreserved parking spaces.