2024 update on Stormwater Management at Three Oaks Association (3OA)
A call for a Study Walk in May 2024 with Pam Rowe.
Click here for the full study walk plan and a map of 3Oaks projects and nearby County SWM areas.
Purpose: "Maintenance of the current projects and the issues around Seven Oaks Park, including projects at Three Oaks."
Possible next steps
--Work on addressing other stormwater challenge areas that could lead to potential projects in 3Oaks and at homes near 7 Oaks Park.
--Use SEOCA and Sligo/Branview list serves to hold a study walk for nearby single family homes that have or are considering a rain garden.
--Consider additional SWM candidates, timed with the next round of watershed restoration grant applications in August, and include input by Ryan Zerbe (grant coordinator).
--Consider other hilly streets feeding into the creek (e.g., streets that slope down to the Creek from Dale Drive).
Statement from Pam: "...My primary focus is on helping with private residential properties, and helping residents problem solve maintenance issues associated with stormwater projects and problems."
Pam noted that there is a lot of overlap with M-DOT and M-NCPPC projects, particularly when it comes to owner lot drainage and road runoff.