Three Oaks Association 
in Silver Spring, MD

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2018 Grant from Chesapeake Bay Trust

Awarded to Friends of Sligo Creek and 
Three Oaks Association

Three Oaks Association (3OA) and Friends of Sligo Creek (FOSC) were awarded a stormwater management grant (SWM) in January 2018 from the Chesapeake Bay Trust (CBT). 

The grant award helped 3OA pay to
  • Assess where stormwater could be effectively managed in 3OA;
  • Construct several stormwater management systems in 3OA to reduce water runoff from Three Oaks Drive into Sligo Creek; 
  • Set up various outreach activities to help inform our neighbors about our efforts; and 
  • Promote the County and State commitment to keep our steams and waterways clean.  
Volunteers: Coordinators--Carol (9203), Katherine (9253), Marion (9209); Engineer assistance--Pier (9233); PR & Board liaison--Valerie (9210); Treasurer--Cecile (9212); Blog--Liz (9220); FOSC liaison--Kit Gage.  ​
Photos of rainwater on
Three Oaks parking lot in
February 2018. 

Heavy rainstorm? These photos show what the water looks like running down our parking lot, dumping into the storm drains, and then
into Sligo Creek. Our challenge was to direct the stormwater back into the earth. 
Montgomery County Rainscapes projects that we can build in Three Oaks to help absorb our stormwater. County rebates reduce our cost!
Links to Montgomery County RainScapes website with more information about projects and rebates that are available to homeowners, HOAs, faith communities, and commercial properties. 
Grant narrative that outlines the stormwater management strategies planned in Three Oaks Association.

Read the FOSC Newsletter article about 
the 2018 3OA storm water management grant.

Friends of Sligo Creek logo
We live one block from Sligo Creek. We are stewards of the water that flows into Sligo Creek, into the Anacostia River, into the Potomac, and into the Chesapeake Bay. 
​Please visit the Montgomery County RainScapes program to learn more about how you can help with local environmental efforts.

​The funding partner for this award was the Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection

Grant funding was provided through the Montgomery County "Water Quality Protection Fund."

Montgomery County Maryland Dept of Environmental Protection logo
Montgomery County Maryland emblem and link to home page.
RainScapes Program logo in Montgomery County Maryland
Chesapeake Bay Trust logo and URLs
2024 update on Stormwater Management at Three Oaks Association (3OA)
 A call for a Study Walk in May 2024 with Pam Rowe
Click here for the full study walk plan and a map of 3Oaks projects and nearby County SWM areas.

​Purpose: "Maintenance of the current projects and the issues around Seven Oaks Park, including projects at Three Oaks."
Possible next steps 
--Work on addressing other stormwater challenge areas that could lead to potential projects in 3Oaks and at homes near 7 Oaks Park.
--Use SEOCA and Sligo/Branview list serves to hold a study walk for nearby single family homes that have or are considering a rain garden.
--Consider additional SWM candidates, timed with the next round of watershed restoration grant applications in August, and include input by Ryan Zerbe (grant coordinator). 
--Consider other hilly streets feeding into the creek (e.g., streets that slope down to the Creek from Dale Drive).

Statement from Pam: "...My primary focus is on helping with private residential properties, and helping residents problem solve maintenance issues associated with stormwater projects and problems." 
Pam noted that there is a lot of overlap with M-DOT and M-NCPPC projects, particularly when it comes to owner lot drainage and road runoff. 

Stormwater Management at Three Oaks